04 September 2008

What was I saying about labs?

I picked up a couple of dogs this week, a beagle and a mixed breed puppy. There are 2 more older lab-mix puppies there (1 pictured here) I should be able to find someone to take before it's too late.
There's also a couple of adult lab mixes, maybe more since I was there a few days ago. Nice dogs, really, just nothing special, and so they don't have a chance unless by some miracle someone calls to claim them. One big guy has every strike against him. Big but not so big he'd get interest in the way the extra large dogs do. He'a almost all lab but with long hound dog ears, so he misses out on being a big-headed purebred lab. And he's older, not ancient but 5 or 6, which is usually more years than most people want to take on. It's not his fault at all that he'll most likely end up dead. It's just the reality of the situation. There's too many dogs just like him crammed into every pound everywhere. Sometimes I'll try, send out a bunch of emails, go the extra mile. It rarely works out, rescues can't create room when there's none available. And sometimes I'm just tired. I don't want to go back and see any of them again. It's best if I just put them out of my mind, and move onto whoever will be taking that kennel next week.

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