03 October 2008

Good Week/ Bad Week

It really makes up for a lot of bad weeks and a lot of left behind dogs when a couple of "ordinary" dogs like these 2 get out of the pound and get another chance. I can't even imagine what rescue was like before widespread use of the internet but a whole lot of dogs are saved now because of email networking, as well as increased adoptions from websites like petfinder and others.

That these 2 dogs are alive is an example of all of that in action. I sent an email out to one of many rescue mailing lists, asking for help on their behalf. Dozens of emails like mine make the rounds every day and are passed on from person to person, rescue to rescue, in the hopes somehow it will find its way to the person who can help. From there, someone else might donate money or act as a contact, and then once the details are squared away, a few more people step up to help transport them to where they need to go. Before the week is over 2 dogs who were within hours of being put down because no one wanted them and they had nowhere to go are on their way to becoming someone's much loved pets, either again or for the first time in their lives.

The bad part of the week is Haven is still missing. Tuesday and Wednesday I had a dozen calls from people who spotted her in the same general location. On Thursday, my daughter and I took 2 dogs out and combed the area for hours, and never caught even a glimpse of her or got a single call. Today a couple of people called because they saw her again. I can't stand it. It's impossible not to worry about her almost constantly. I can't stand the thought she could die out there simply because we weren't able to get her in time. I've gone from confused and dismayed over the lack of assistance from the county dog wardens to out and out angry. I'm not sure what is going on, but next week it's going to change. She has been out there long enough and I have done what I can. She needs to come home now, and I will do whatever it takes to get the help I need for that to happen.