Wow, I knew it had been a while since I'd been here but almost 3 months? It is truly unfair that time goes faster the older we get. I am completely convinced that by the time I'm (God willing) in my 80s, I'll wake up from one day to the next, and a year will have gone by.
So much for my original "good blogger!" vows of updating this every few days. I can't blame it all on the dogs, although they certainly are time-consuming. Last week was about typical. I made 3 trips to the pound in 4 days and then met the dog warden halfway a 4th time to return a dog someone decided to adopt after I had him here. And in between, I had 2 extra new dogs to work into the routine, and all of my usual dogs and fosters to deal with. And don't underestimate all the time and effort required to keep everyone in this house from being suffocated in black dog fur.
It does seem like this blogging thing has to become a habit. It's not like I'm ever that far away from my computer monitor when I'm home. And it's not like I'm generally at any loss for words. So let's try this again.